Call us right away for car locksmith services in Nairobi and the surrounding areas; we are here to help.
Nobody wants to get locked out of their automobile, which can be an unpleasant situation. Unfortunately, it can occur to anyone and endanger your day. However, if you are now in such a scenario, don’t be alarmed; we will be there to provide expert emergency locksmith assistance. To make an automotive locksmith appointment in Nairobi or anywhere nearby, call us right away.
At Auto Progress, our top concern is maintaining the reputation that has been built over many years by providing excellent auto lock services. Contact us right now if you’re looking for auto progress services.
Contact us right away if you really need a replacement car key or need help with remote smart keys or transponder chip keys of any brand or model. You can rest easy knowing that you will unlock your car using our in-depth understanding of automotive locks.
We provide a variety of auto locksmith services, such as:
- Keyless entry system installation and maintenance
- Repairs and replacements for transponder keys
- Repairing automobile ignition
- Services for key extraction and ignition repair
- Any make or model of vehicle lockout services
- Lock substitution and key replacement
- Unlocking the trunk quickly
- Immobilization and programming of car keys
- repairs to automobile control units
- digital auto diagnosis
- Reset the airbag module
- automatic progress services
- We have insurance, a bond, and a license.
We have committed locksmiths who are licensed and certified.

Our team of qualified locksmiths is committed to assisting in preventing the inconvenience that comes with auto lockout issues. Every consumer who calls for auto lockout services will receive satisfactory assistance from us.
We will send out certified and insured locksmiths to fix your automobile, no matter what its make and model is or how hard the problem may be, so you can get back on the road
We provide 24-hour auto locksmith service.
Because we have qualified locksmiths working around the clock exclusively to give emergency customers with on-site vehicle key services, our emergency automotive locksmith service is unmatched.
We are knowledgeable, and our mechanics are equipped with everything they need to work on any make or model of car.
Do you need to get stuck keys out of the ignition or replace lost or broken car keys? Perhaps you need a duplicate car key for an emergency. For all car lockout services, you are thus in the right place.
We are experts and have a lot of expertise with automobile lockout services.

When you contact auto progress services, you will receive professional key cutting and lock replacement. Auto lockouts can occur at the worst possible times, but we have locksmiths on hand to provide you with expert services. No matter where you are in Nairobi or the neighboring areas, we offer quick services. An expert locksmith will be dispatched right away once you call and describe the situation, including your current location and the problems you’re having with your keys.